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NPC Wednesdays #109

Writer: KarstenKarsten

Where other blessed of Rondra might doubt if they will be able to fulfill the principles of their goddess, Rondrara knows that she failed. Rarely do blessed of Rondra get as old as her. Was it luck or subconscious intention she didn’t die in the recent years of conflict? When the free lands sent out 3 armies in summer of 1039 to crush Helme Haffax in Mendena, Rondrara swore a holy vow (Gods of Aventuria p.149) to sacrifice herself for the goddess, if an opportunity would arise. Opportunities came and went but Rondrara didn’t not storm the enemy to save others and when Mendena was finally captured, she realised she is now a Vow-Breaker (Gods of Aventuria p.71).

The Guardian of Order in Festum, Gernot von Halsingen, sent her with her Acolyte to the Temple of Penance, far up at Amberbay near the small town of Frisov.

(What will happen with her in the north might spoil the adventure Blades of Night and I will reveal it as soon as her fate is decided in my current game, but feel free to use her whenever you need a disillusioned blessed of Rondra that failed to have the courage for sacrifice)



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