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  • Writer's pictureThomas Coquery

The Gods of The Dark Eye - Part 2 : Demigods and Immortals

This article is a translation of an article originally published in German on

After we dealt with the Twelve Gods and their antagonist in the first part of this series (read the article here), we now turn our attention to Demigods and Immortals. Not only the Twelve Gods live in the God Fortress of Alveran. There are also a large number of demigods who are progeny of two gods, the offspring of a union between a god and a human or who have created themselves. Followers and messengers of the gods, such as the dead raven Golgari or the dream-bringer Bishdariel of the Boron cult, the fierce guardian of the realm of the dead Uthar or the Twelve Winds, who are supposed to obey Efferd, are also worshipped in some regions. The following is a list of the most important Demigods and Immortals.

Los is the primordial god and all-father. At the beginning of time, he is said to have slain Sumu, who is worshipped as the Earth Goddess by the Druids . Legend has it that the world was created from his tears and the drops of Sumu's blood and corpse. With a few exceptions, the worship of Los is unusual in Aventuria, as he does not interfere in world affairs.

The High Dragons also moved into Alveran after the First Dragon War. There are six of them. The iron-winged Branibor is regarded the Dragon of Justice and is especially revered by the followers of Praios. So is Darador with the Hundred Coloured Wings. He is the oldest and most powerful of the dragons. Darador is the Dragon of Light and the patron saint of anti-magic. Famerlor, with the lion's head, is the consort of the goddess Rondra and watches over Alveran. Naclador is considered the protector of truth and is often depicted as Hesinde's companion. He is especially revered by the Order of the Draconites. Menacor, with his six silver wings, is the guardian of Limbo. Yalsicor, with the goat's head, is considered Travia's friend and is the dragon of friendship.

Aves is the son of Phex and Rahja. The continent of Aventuria is named after him. He is the patron of wanderlust, adventure and travel. His outstanding characteristics are curiosity, daring and a great desire for the unknown. His devotees are always travelling, very sociable and never averse to an adventure.

Ifirn is the daughter of Firun and a mortal. Some also claim that she is a renegade daughter of Efferd. The Bringer of Spring is depicted in the form of a swan. Many do not dare to make their request directly to the fierce Firun. They therefore prefer to pray to the mild Ifirn so that she can put in a good word for the believers with her father. Many Firun temples are now staffed by Ifirn priests.

Kor is the child of Rondra and the sky dragon Famerlor. Kor loves battle, the turmoil of battle and wild fighting. He is a stranger to pity, for instead of a heart he carries a hard carbuncle in his chest as his father's heir. The worship of Kor is most common among mercenaries and fighters who value efficiency over honour.

Levthan, the god with the ram's head, is considered a child of Rahja. He represents unbridled lust and virility. He is said to be an untameable troublemaker who is not affraid to attack other goddesses. This is what happened to Satuaria, who is worshipped by witches. Even today, he is said to stalk them on particularly magical witch nights. Many witches treat Levthan with a mixture of hatred and passion, as does their mistress Satuaria.

Mada is the daughter of Hesinde. Phex is believed to be her father. The daughter of Hesinde once revealed the secret of magic to the humans. Praios did not like this at all. As punishment, he banished her to a stone and placed it in the sky. Since then, she has shone in the sky as the silver moon, the sign of Mada.

Marbo, the Gentle, is the daughter of Boron and a mortal. Like Ifirn, she is revered as a mediator to her stern father. She is often invoked for a quick and merciful death and the safe return of souls to the halls of Boron. Her sacred animal is the vulture.

Nandus, the Lord of Riddles, is the child of Hesinde and Phex. He combines her wisdom with his cunning and rebelliousness. Nandus wants to spread popular education and is a great lover of riddles. Many of the heretical ideas spread by his followers often make them targets of hostility and sometimes even persecution by the secular authorities. According to legend, Nandus is the father of the powerful wizards Borbarad and Rohal, who have returned to the world to fight each other over the centuries.

Simia, the Resourceful, is the son of Ingerimm and Tsa. He combines the creative will of his father with the creative and freedom-loving nature of his mother. Simia is considered the god of invention. Although he has no devotees, there is a magnificent temple dedicated to him in Gareth. It was there that he the prism that can transform the light of Praios into the rainbow of Tsa . The dwarves also know of Simia. However, they worship Simia as the daughter of their god Angrosch.

Swafnir plies the waters of Aventuria in the form of a white sperm whale. The son of Rondra and Efferd, he is the lord of the sea. The Thorwals even worship him as their chief god, as he is said to have once led their ancestors across the Sea of Seven Winds to Aventuria. According to their legends, he constantly battles the gigantic sea serpent Hranngar, the source of evil.

Ucuri, the messenger of the gods, was created by Praios out of himself. In the form of a falcon, he is sent whenever there is something important to discuss between the gods. Only the most ruthless of mortals would dare to attack an Ucuriate. Members of the order travel the world as heralds, delivering important documents and messages from the twelve divine churches.

Xeledon, the Mocker, is the son of Hesinde and a mortal. He is rarely worshipped, as he likes to mock the imperfection of worldly achievements. He has nothing but scorn and derision for the achievements of mortals. There are numerous stories about the demigod, how he ridicules craftmanship, art and many a life's work with a quick tongue.

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