Morena Horger is one of the two lieutenants Baltram Gorbas (#13) has in his cell of Children of the Rat cultists.
She had some previous experience as a highwaywoman/street robber leading her own gang around Honeyngton (maybe even had some clashes with #4) before she joined the cell after encountering Baltram.
The ruthlessness she learned in her criminal life made her rise in the ranks quickly and she had just sacrificed a finger to become ordained to the Nameless One. Her skills as blessed one are still not yet fully trained so she still relies on intimidation and and brute force. Also some of her fellow robbers, including a thorwalian pirate and an orkish brigand followed her to join the cult. Even though they are only suspecting there is more to the cult, they are still loyal to Morena in any powerstruggle.
