Sigrun likes to climb and sneak on the roofs of houses and then observe, ready to shoot her crossbow down on the enemy. Direct close combat she tries to avoid. That and maybe that she is a seasoned shooter, former bandit and now part of the cult in Honeyngton, is all the other cultists know about Sigrun.
They don’t know that Sigrun accompanied her mother Akja Hrafnhildsdottir, who was a thorwalian pira….trader, on a number of rai…commercial endeavours.
Sigrun wasn’t as tough as most of the rest of the crew, so usually wasn’t the first to hit the beach and learned to use the crossbow to still support her crewmembers.
Unfortunately this career was cut short when they landed in the horasian empire and most of the crew, including her mother were massacred in an ambush. Sigrun was far enough behind to not be picked up. Cutting her braids and using her lighter built she managed to pass the lines pretending to hail from the middenrealm and eventually travelled there. She found refuge with a group of bandits near Honeyngton. As quite a few of them did have a shady past, no one pressed her to reveal her heritage
and when most of them joined a cult in the city, it also became her new life.
